Anaerobic treatment for  Municipal wastewater

Anaerobic treatment for municipal wastewater

Ambirobic’s unique low temperature anaerobic technology treats wastewater at ambient temperatures

Ideally suited for the municipal wastewater sector

Ideally suited for the municipal wastewater sector

Our Ambirobic® system has shown consistently positive removal rates at concentrations <100mg/l at temperatures as low as 4 ℃.

No heat input, alongside a very small footprint means the system can easily be integrated into existing sites, even sites where space for new infrastructure to treat increased capacity demands challenging.

Significant operational benefits

Reduce energy usage

Reduce energy usage

80% less operational (grid) energy use

Reduce waste production

Reduce waste production

Up to 95% less waste (sludge) produced

Significant cost savings

Significant cost savings

Major whole life cost (TOTEX) savings

High quality biogas

High quality biogas

Converts BOD directly into high quality biogas

Tailored to meet each individual’s case

Tailored to meet each case

Ambirobic® can be tailored to meet each site’s needs. We consider all aspects of the waste stream and flow demands to provide an optimal Ambirobic® solution. With high flow demands we can fabricate large tanks on site, or use several smaller tanks operated in tandem.